Monday, April 30, 2012

last weekend dah xde keje..(padahal keje rumah byk..heheh...) 3rd hero dah request nk makan chocolate have to lah buat..bukan ape kecian kat heroes sebab diorang dah teringin nak me sebenonya ada bli instant cake but still have to this is the cake la..u know la..i kan working mummy mane la minat sgt buat2 mende remeh2 so brg dah ada buat je la....

This is the melt chocolate yg akan dituang ke atas acuan cake yg dah masak tadi..melt chocolate ni kira macam sos untuk cake is from cocoa them me campurkan gn sikit minyak & susu pekat them kacau until dia cantik & berkilau...sambil me kacau sos tadi ni, me sambil ler colet2 masuk mulut skit..hehhhehe..sedap coz of chocolate..

This is the hero that requested for the cake....hah kan he likes so cake yang dah siap...

OMG...giler la..aku dan ank2 dah la chocolate mania..nampak chocolate cam ni rasa nak pengsan pun ada...huh..mamma mia....

Huh...OMG...heavy wih chocolate topping...heavennnnnnn..........................

Ouwhhhh.. this how it looks like...yummy...nak sedap lagi letak dlm refrigerator dlm 15 minit then ltk sikit buah2an or coctail pun ok..perghhhhhh..mmg heavennn...jemput makan gangs......

Tak tau la nak cakap..sekarang ni me dah ada hobby baru, lepas hobi dok merayau kat soping mall, me rasa nak main masak2 pulak, yang penting sekarang ni me nak belajaq masak kek ke..kuih-muih ke..tapi lau u all nak suruh me masak lauk pauk...opss me x minat..lauk pauk sila pass to me nyer mummy, she's very expert on cooking lauk pauk......

Anyway me happy sgt sebab me dah dapat main masak-masak lagi walaupun me ni sgt sibuk on week days..

See again on Main Masak-Masak With Me...Bubye...