Alhamdullilahhh....Happy Birthday me on 1st August.....
Aku rasa x terlambat lg kot aku nak upload mende ni..heheh..macam biasa lah..jalani hidup cam biasa nothing special until my office had decide to do a birthday party together with IFTAR Gathering..anyway thanks to my officmate yg so sporting & agak suprise lah sebabnyer during iftar hari tu kat New York Hotel JB @ 02/08/2012,agak ramai jugak crowded time tu dlm 200 pax, then tengah sedap2 layan makan cam nak pengsan,the whole guest in da hall was sang a happy birthday song ...wahhh what a suprised..malu mak tau...mane x, lilin tu terpampang umuq mak..kihkihkih...anyway most the guest pun sing together...hikhik proud jugak la time tu..
Sekian, Wassalam...Still dalam bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak..Thanks to all for your support & the organizer..(Yana) :p